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Gratitude and great attitude are soul mates. You can’t find one without the other. The wonder of gratitude is that it can turn a down day or a bad feeling upside down. Like laughter, gratitude is a game changer.


increase happiness
change perception
pour cool water on boiling emotions
reduce negativity, resentment and pain.

People who DAILY count or record their blessings…

feel better about their lives
have less illness and depression
have closer family ties
are more resilient, optimistic and  enthusiastic.

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. G.K. Chesterton

We all enjoy a beautiful sunset, but how often do we feel wonder and joy like the little girl who ran in the house one evening and yelled, “I didn’t think purple went with orange until I saw the sunset God just made!”

Gratitude is not just a passing thought or feeling or merely expressing appreciation. It is a shift in one’s being, a total change in attitude. It is like an electrical switch. It turns on light and erases darkness. The world is seen in a brighter light. Gratitude can change your life: switch perception from problem to opportunity, from resistance to acceptance, from ending to beginning, from sickness to healing, from anger to forgiveness. Find just one thing to feel truly grateful for in the midst of any situation and it is so powerful that it will overcome other emotions.

If you want to see a fast and positive change in your life, inject your days with abundant doses of positive praise. Don’t just think thankfulness. Express it in words, song, laughter, action. Before falling asleep, review all the good the day held. Before getting out of bed in the morning, spend at least 30 seconds giving thanks for the day to come and all the potential good it holds. Every day, write down different things you’re grateful for. Develop the habit of being thankful every day, in every situation including problems and mistakes. 

    Every problem has a gift for you in its hands. You have the problem because you need the gift. Richard Bach

Gratitude expressed anywhere – to health, work, relationships – is like a lubricant that increases the flow of good into and through those areas. Your body loves to receive gratitude. Move your awareness through your body as you say, “Thank you!” Feel the cells tingle and respond with renewed energy. Express gratitude all day long. Thank the day, the sun or the rain, thank your car, thank your home, thank the people in your life.

Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. William Arthur Ward

Gratitude expressed to other people is an instant elixir that soothes hurts feelings, raises dashed hopes and heals conflict. A sincere thank you says, “I see you, value and appreciate you.” Expressing gratitude to others is an act of kindness. A connection is made at the soul level and both giver and receiver are blessed.

If the only prayer you say in your whole life is “Thank you,” 

that would suffice. Meister Eckhart

Feeling down, anxious, angry? Focus on what you’re grateful for, what’s going right. Gratitude alters biochemistry, elevates mood, shifts perception. DO IT NOW. Smile, laugh, think happy thoughts, feel grateful for 20 seconds and you’ll change your emotional vibration.

Gratitude is fulfilling – fills us full – of joy, appreciation and love. The more we’re thankful, the more we realize how much we have to be thankful for. When you approach anything with gratitude, you project a great attitude and it responds in kind.

The great medical missionary Albert Schweitzer said…
Those who thank God much are truly wealthy. So our inner happiness depends not on what we experience but on the degree of our gratitude to God, whatever the experience.

Partially Adapted from:
Make the Best of the Rest of Your Life
