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FEAR!!! What Are You Afraid Of?

The world has turned upside down. An invisible enemy is circling the globe. What are you afraid of? Losing your job? Your money? Your life or the life of someone you love could be in jeopardy. At such unpredictable, chaotic times, it is normal to feel fear. But it doesn’t do you or anyone else any good.

Fear is a natural response to danger. But to remain fearful without taking action weakens the body, interferes with rational thinking and overshadows all the emotions. If our ancestors had not moved when the lion appeared in their path, none of us would be here. But what kind of action can we take against an unknown, invisible danger?

Only by facing fear and uncovering its roots can we hope to dispel it. So…

Acknowledge that you are afraid. What exactly are you afraid of? Why?

How does that make you feel?

As an example: I am afraid OF: COVD19 BECAUSE: I could lose my job, run out of money, become sick, die. I FEEL: Hopeless and powerless

THE REAL PROBLEM: Feeling hopeless and powerless gives rise to fear, and fear increases feelings of hopelessness and powerlessness. It is a vicious circle, easy to get caught in and overwhelmed by unless we take action.

Turn Your Thinking Upside Down

BE HOPEFUL Find good news sources to keep you updated on the latest information and check it only two or three times a day. Focus on the tremendous progress being made daily.

People are helping and supporting each other like never before. Corporations and banks are making concessions. Let them know if you can’t pay rent or a bill.

Globally it has been very good for the environment. The water in Venice canals is clear. There are blue skies over China.

The world has gone through crises before and survived. We will come through this. And there’s a good chance we will be better than before – globally and individually.

BE POWERFUL We are not in control of the pandemic but we are in control of our behavior, thoughts and reactions. Choose to use this time to your benefit. Aside from following the guidelines for staying healthy, take command of your life. Use this time for personal growth.

We can read, watch videos, cook, exercise, spend quality time with family, pursue individual interests and hobbies.

If we were quarantined for the next year, we would not be able to take advantage of all the fabulous things being offered for free on the internet:

Virtual Museum Tours

Unrestricted viewing of 100,000 images from Paris Museums

Activities NOT just for kids

Meditate on feeling hopeful, powerful and safe.


Choose a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. Get comfortable and focus on your breathing.

On the inhale, tell your body to relax. On the exhale, tell it to release. Feel the stress and tension riding out of your body on the breath. Continue until you feel centered and peaceful.

To truly feel safe, we need to trust the essential goodness of life. Whether you call it God, the Universe or just energy, feel yourself become part of it. Imagine that you are floating on the great wave of Life. You feel supported, free, safe. Dwell on those thoughts as you repeat the words…

I am safe. I am secure. I am at peace.

Feel your heart open as you extend peace and harmony to all the world.
