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The world is a classroom because it shows us what is inside our mind being projected out. Not just what is in the conscious but what is in our subconscious. We like to think of ourselves as nice, good-hearted people. And we endeavor to have others think of us in the same vein. The subconscious is the repository of thoughts and feelings we don’t want to acknowledge. In fact, we generally deny the dark side of our nature. And we all have a dark side.

So selfish, greedy, hateful attitudes are sent to the subconscious jail. But they escape. They come out in a variety of ways. Guilt and anger can result in physical pains and illness. Or they get projected out upon the world and take shape as what we like to think of as ‘justified’ criticism, anger and hate. After all, we should hate the evil doers and of couse, we condemn those who think differently. It is in our nature to distrust people of other colors and cultures. And is it not natural to fear that we will be taken advantage of, deprived, hurt in some way?

These thoughts and feelings combine to present a picture of a world that is cruel and dangerous. And we point to all the external images that justify our feelings: right or left wing politicians and votes, climate change, war, famine, fires, thieves.


As within so without

If the world is an outside picture of our consciousness, we can look to change our thinking. As we confront and heal our own hate and greed and fear, out perception changes. We become more tolerant, more forgiving, more understanding and compassionate. Our individual world becomes more peaceful. Then and only then can we be a positive presence in the world. What is within the mind flows out. What is flowing from your mind?  Fear and hate or love and peace?

If we all would endeavor to heal our own minds instead of condemning other people and external situations, then we would begin to see a more peaceful, harmonious world.
